I graduated from school in 2012
Greetings, o you who have accidentally wandered into the corner of my vanity!
I don’t know what kind of miracle brought you here, but if you’re reading this, I’ll try to briefly describe who I am…
I was born in a small provincial city of Smolensk, which is lost 400 km from Moscow. People from time immemorial came here exclusively to die. Initially, this place was not predisposed to life. For 1150 years, Scandinavians, Greeks, Mongols, Lithuanians and poles (even owned the city for a hundred years), French and Germans managed to visit it. Ignored only the British, probably because of the similarity of the climate and the atmosphere conducive to alcoholism. But nothing lasts forever.
Communism brought long-awaited peace and drunkenness.. Over the centuries of many wars, the population forgot how to do anything and the Soviet regime condoned it. Young socialism replaced the sense of ownership and “love of work” with new serfdom and low-quality cheap vodka. From this primeval Soviet fog, fumes with the smell of onions, my childhood is sadly selected… Damn it, are you still reading? Young people do not have much choice in a small provincial city; the first-effectively and brightly sleeps in the shortest possible time, the second-slowly and tiresomely exhausting others. This prospect did not suit me…. not to be continued
Art Director
• Development and implementation of the concepts of entry, development, conquest of the territory of Russia and Eastern Europe (IT services in the fuel sector, more than 1000 own gas stations);
• Ensuring stability in the market of fuel cards (CA – legal entities: transport companies, equipment manufacturers);
• Management of communication strategy of the enterprise, management of relations with partners, negotiations with LPR of clients;
• Management of IT-projects (processing of fuel cards/website development/mobile app), the concept of a vision and roadmap of the product, assigning tasks to developers, prioritisation of tasks;
• Planning of IP development strategy, financial management, communications, risks, timing;
• Personnel management (designers, coders) – setting and distribution of tasks, control of results;
• Development and implementation of the company’s marketing strategy: advertising, PR, GR, Internet marketing;
• Bringing innovative solutions to the market;
• Creative planning and implementation of non-standard management maneuvers;
• Shock and extraordinary PR strategies: development, implementation and analysis;
• Formation of positioning policy, reputation management;
• Technical and economic analysis, marketing analysis, planning, budgeting;
• Organization of Event activities, editing of the company’s own magazines – “motor carrier” (96 bands) and “special Equipment”(80 bands).
• Successfully implemented the project of entering the market of services of an independent fuel card operator;
• Implemented a communication strategy, provided an increase in the level of loyalty and brand image “Inforcom” among carriers;
• Annually developed and implemented business and entertainment program for the International road transport forum (IAF) – specialized exhibition of equipment;
• Ensure the development of a visualization ASMAP oilcards, support internal and external communications, events to promote the brand “Inforkom car” in the environment of carriers;
• Completed the restyling of the brand attributes of the company “Inforkom”: logo, trademark, corporate style;
• Implemented a number of projects to create and promote new sites/services/mobile applications, re-engineering of existing Internet services:
• Corporate website http://inforkom.ru/. Landing is optimized for “cold” customers, the site is built on the principles of UX/UI design. Created complex section – the working tool of the website for clients – personal Cabinet providing for multi-functionality with fuel cards: unloading transactions in standard formats, lock, and manage maps, create stoplists, the choice of the route and stations along the route, a sample limit fuel cards, generate financial statements;
• Module “Maps” (User interface) on the company’s website, mobile application and adapted version of the site for mobile devices. The module allows you to build a route based on the needs of the customer’s fleet;
• Mobile app – consists of two main blocks. 1) Navigator for fleet drivers; 2) Integrated personal account for Central Asia;
• Website for individual entrepreneurs (http://inforkom-card.ru/) – in contrast to the corporate website, this project implemented a simplified system of contractual relations with customers.
• Mobile application on Joomag platform for mobile versions of the magazine “carrier. Special equipment” – unlike the printed edition, the mobile version takes into account the interests of different categories of readers and advertisers.
Professional manager. Expert in the development of domestic and international projects.
Successful experience in implementing global communication strategies.
Experience in working with major international and Russian and European companies, working with senior management of key customers, project management.
Experience in formation of strong productive teams, talent development.
I am well versed in the international information agenda, in politics and macroeconomics, IT and oil and gas industries, in the specifics of the global digitalization of the economy.
I quickly analyze various business initiatives and eliminate inefficient technologies.
I build a General algorithm of actions, effectively and efficiently.
I offer and use in work new progressive technologies.
Ability to achieve high results in a short time.
Creation of corporate business processes, their integration into existing management methods.
Responsibility for business results
I like photography – it gives pleasure and makes a variety of work. Since 1998 – engaged in design. He graduated from the British higher school of design.
Of habits – sports: 4 training sessions per week (over 7 years) has turned into a need. I like complex tasks that require me to acquire some new qualities and skills. In General, motivation rife))). Don’t like conflicts. I always try to stop conflict situations “in the Bud”.
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