The Sins of Jack Branson

David Schulze

David Schulze lives in Marlton, New Jersey with his husband, Howie. He has a BA in Screenwriting from Emerson College with a minor in Literature. Before writing his debut novel, David has written nine feature screenplays and has received accolades from prominent screenwriting contests.

The Sins of Jack Branson

Exiled from his idyllic village and disowned by his own parents, guilt-ridden Irish farmboy Jack Branson rebuilds his life in Victorian London as a house-call prostitute for homosexuals hiding among the artistocracy. His dangerous, lucrative profession lets him be his true self, but in his heart Jack yearns for the simple life he lost.

Everything changes when Jack meets Oliver Hawkett, a street-rat turned entrepreneur with passionate idealism and gorgeous green eyes. After a magical night together, Oliver offers Jack a place at his all-male brothel, one designed to push their oppressive, institutional homophobic society towards decriminalization. Convinced a better world is nothing more than a fool’s hope, Jack turns Oliver down for his safety in isolation… only to discover how fragile it really is.

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